It’s been really special to observe these relationships blossom between the mommas who have been attending the emotional support groups I facilitate. And with that, I felt called to write a reflection on our most recent gathering. I tell you what— I was in awe at these Minnesota women bundling up themselves and their babies in their winter gear to navigate one nasty commute due to snowfall in order to make it to group! Everyone acknowledged that the weather was less than ideal but that they needed to be in community with others after the weeks they had been having.

I watched as the mommas all grabbed a warm beverage and their babies, and circled up to the chairs to participate in conversation. Everyone introduced themselves given it was the first time many of them were meeting, but slowly realized some connections from living in, “the smallest, big town,” where everyone knows everyone. They reflected on highs and lows of the week navigating all things motherhood, and connected on feelings of irritability and guilt that have shown up. They discussed the challenges of being the default parent in their family and how that impacts their stress level. They shared about things they have been doing lately to help manage their stress. They leaned on one another for support regarding those stuck points they’ve been experiencing with their partners, and shared ideas on how to approach those interactions differently to experience more alignment. They shared information about resources in the community that they love and things to definitely check out.
They connected.
They laughed.
They felt seen and heard.
As group was coming to a finish, I found myself sitting on the floor next to everyone— babies crawling and playing. Two hours prior these women came to this space strangers and were now exchanging phone numbers, joining an online group for a book club, and feeling like they, “found a soulmate in the form of a friend.” I wrapped up group by guiding the mommas in mindfulness practice to honor their body, mind, and soul— focusing on their breath— tuning into their body and just noticing the sensations present— acknowledging the inherent wisdom of their soul— and sending loving kindness to their heart center, the space that holds compassion for self and others, and trust in themselves and the universe.
Everyone was allowed to transition out of the space slowly, at their own pace, and taking care of theirs and their babies’ needs. Diapers were changed— babies were handed off to be held so cars could be started and warmed up— I got my fix of baby cuddles in. I witnessed hugs being exchanged as goodbyes were said, and I noticed my own heart feeling so full knowing that I was able to hold space for, and guide these, amazing women on their journey.

To all the mommas I get to support… I am so grateful to know you and I deeply appreciate you inviting me to be a witness to your journey. I hope you always know how truly amazing you are.

Brittany DeNucci